Want to feel calm, confident and connected?

1st Key: BREATHE...slow and steady to quieten the mind.


2nd Key: EAT...living food... consciously recognising the energy held within that food.


3rd Key: CREATE....dedicate time to your creative self-expression so that your soul can "shine".


By actively deciding to stay curious and to search for the keys that open the doors to your highest and best self, you are tapping into the universal energy that connects us all.

In other words, simplify your life and don't hold on too tight and soon you will be living your life in "flow".

You'll feel a greater love and connection to others as well as yourself! Life will have more meaning and your future will be clearer. This is where the confidence and sense of control comes in....

Practice MINDFULNESS - there is no downside - it just works!

There are many forms. Find the one that suits you....and then practice, practice and practice again.

Even if it's for 5 mins a day. If that's too hard.... then work on 2 mins a day and work your way up.

You see, the more you practice, the more blocks, frustrations even exasperations you'll find....

Then one day....it all just clicks.... and you are on your way to a calm, confident and connected way of living. 

You can now live your best life with a smile on your face and a song in your heart!

Good luck with the ever shifting sands of this virus. Breathe.....Practice Mindfulness...

Our health and wellbeing is our greatest asset...... 

Stay out of fear.... it's contagious!.....and be KIND as often as you can...

If you want to meditate with me ...join me for a live stream session, simple relaxation and a sprinkling of love!

Wednesdays at 6pm.

Stay tuned, I will be adding extra stream sessions - for those of you who want to know more about crystals.


3 Ways to Keep a Cool Head & Clear Mind


A moment in time